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Monday, June 14, 2010

Calvin & Jelcia Wedding

Hey everyone~ its me again..whoohooo!! lama suda x update blog ni.. wahahaha.. ok..ok..recently, on da 12th of June i have performed a magic show for my Brother's Wedding..n overall..i think i was amazingly TERRIBLE!!!! ahhahaha..i perform for like 7 minutes++ n it was da scariest 7 minutes of my life..ahaha..i make so many mistake..coz diz is da 1st tym i perform a choreograph music magic act..ahaha..try2 ja bha ni..too bad..i do it badly..hehee..well..apa bleh buat la...suda mann..mcm nda mw bt magic suda me ni..4 da 1st time ever i want to give up on magic..ahahahha.. suddenly~ jeng3...i remembered my BFF quotation.."There's only 1 thing i gv up on...
I gv up on GIVING UP.. =)"

whuhuhuhuuu..der is no point 4 me to giv up..after 3 years learning magic..nw dun care wht ppl say..its not gonna bring me down~! doii...mcm lagu pla pa sy tulis ni d is da pic when i perform in da wedding..less applause by da audience..darn..buruk tul oh my family..nda support ni...wakakkaa..

bhaaa..itu ja la..nda mw expose sngat d internet world ni..spa2 pn bleh bca ni..any question..ask me in FB..or comment la mw commnt klu cni..ahahaha..

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