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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hey..hey..hey..its ChriZz here...LOL...its been a long time i haven't update this blog...well who's gonna read this blog anyway..i one!! sad..if you are reading are Lucky!! 4 no reason la...well i just want to say is Happy New Year 2010 and Bubbye to 2009.

There are some memories that i cannot forget in 2009..some good..some bad..but the last day of 2009 is kinda weird because i am performing a Magic tell the truth..this is the 1st time ever perform a stage magic act..i perform maybe a few tricks but not combining together to form a routine..(if you get what i mean)
because most of the time i perform close-up magic(Street Magic)..awkward..

i perform a bunch of my favorite tricks like...linking rings, Metal bending, Rope Trick, Moving pips card/distortion, Static(malangnya tidak jadi), Newspaper Tear, Spongeball, and True love..(nama2 trick..kamu tau ka? hahaha) well all my interaction is weird(i mean i feel weird la)..i perform to a bunch of strangers..really awkward moment in my seems so hard to interact with my audience..but..overall..i have fun..even though it is TIRING. It is such a great experience for me..this gonna be the foundation for me to get to a higher level in my magic act. for those out frens, to those that know me k...thanks!!

-ChriZz of Jack of Spades-